Our Calendar
What's happening this week?
Sunday, February 23rd
8:45-9:45am Adult Sunday School, in-person at 717 N. Homewood Avenue and via zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86749048037?pwd=L2R6YzIrS051RVNyUTRwaU1tWDJZUT09
9:30am- 9:45am Prayer in the Auditorium
10:00am Worship Service
10:30am Children’s Church
Tuesday, February 25th
11am-12pm Prayer, tap 857-357-0254,236084 to join
Wednesday, February 26th
6-8pm Daniel Plan Class, WARM Center Lower Level
Thursday, February 27th
11am-12pm Prayer, tap 857-357-0254,236084 to join
6-7:15pm BC Young Adults (BCYA) Bible Study, WARM Center Atrium
6:30-8:30pm CHAPEL Event-Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Oasis Community Kitchen Events Space
Saturday, March 1st
7-8am Prayer, tap 857-357-0254,236084 to join
9am-10am Women's Ministry Bible Study
3-5pm Amazing Achievers Seniors Ministry